Fair Play and Equal Play

ABA Celtics

Fair Play and Equal Play


In U10 and U12, there is equal playing time as determined by the shifts. However, the coach can use discretion with regard to assigning a player an extra shift, an injury shift, or assigning a player to play in overtime.

In U14 to U18, playing time is at the coaches’ discretion. Coaches will give consideration in allotting player time to the following (not in any particular order of importance):

(a)       sportsmanship;

(b)       team play;

(c)       gives maximum effort;

(d)       practice preparation;

(e)       skill level;

(f)        dedication to the team;

(g)       passion for the game;

(h)       endurance;


when utilizing their discretion, all Celtics Coaches at all levels of play shall consider the players on the team with lower levels of performance when measured by the foregoing criteria as candidates for the extra shift and for extra playing time when the team is playing against a weaker opponent and shall consider the players on the team with higher levels of performance when measured by the foregoing criteria as candidates for the extra shift and for extra playing time when the team is playing against a stronger or equal strength opponent.

Coaches shall not discuss a player’s playing time or performance with another players parents but parents are encouraged to discuss their child’s playing time with the Coach, privately and confidentially, if they think it is appropriate to do so at an agreed upon time and place, which should not be in front of the player or other players or parents.